Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ireland Calling

Following my urge to be in the mother land again I booked a last minute trip to Ireland.

I flow to Shannon on May 5th, I arrived at 9.30am the next morning. I got off the plane taking my time as knew I would never make the 10 am bus to Castlebar well I came out of customs by 8 to 10 and saw the luggage had not even arrived. It started coming off as I walked up and low and beho my case was #1 off I grabbed it asked where buses went from and made the 10 am bus Thanks mom I knew she was up there working for me.
Cricket my companion


at Campbell's pub Murrisk
I called My cousin Gerry from Galway that I made the early bus and could he pick me up at 1.30 instead of 3.40 so it all worked grand. After a big fry (that's Irish Rashers, sausages, eggs, blood pudding)  and a 40 min nap he took me back to Campbells Pub at the foot of the Reek.  I grew up hearing we were related to the Campbells who had a pub at the foot of the Reek, my great grandmother was Biddy Campbell. My cousin Michael and I had a running joke for years how we were going to claim our inheritance. We really got carried away once saying we would open a Big Pat's. Had a drink and looked around he then drove me to Westport House it was closed but we looked around the grounds. They have really huge swans there never saw any that big.

Gerry and the Goa

view from Gerry window

Westport House

Really large Swans Westport House

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