Gerry's friend's donkey had a foal on Sunday so Tuesday morning we went off to see it. The foal was across the field with its parents. Gerry hopped the fence and walked over carefully to the foal. He then snatched it up and carried it towards the fence where I was standing he turned back at one point to see the mother following him. The foal was a beauty, and it was so dark and I started filming as Gerry went to pick it up. I switched to my NIKON to take some photos I took quite a lot was snapping away Gerry posed with the donkey. He said at one point something like too bad you can not come over the fence but I did not want to press my luck. He did have it close enough for me to pet so I touched its head and it felt very soft the mother came for the baby so Gerry let it go off and I shot some video as they walked across the field.

After that we decided to take a drive I wanted to go to Mulranny as we were driving we saw the drive to Furnace and Gerry said it was a very beautiful drive so we decided to do that its part of the Nephin Mountain drive saw lots of sheep along the way and it was fun just to watch them walk along or occasionally run as we got to close. At the end of the drive we headed to Mulranny and stopped at the newly remodeled Mulranny Hotel. John and Yoko stayed there in 1969 so they had photographs of them. We had a drink and just enjoyed the view. We then headed back home as I had plans to visit a friend.
