The weather looked threatening but I carried on I stopped at Murrisk Abbey and looked around and then started back towards Louisburgh. I walked around town to see if any place to eat but nothing appealed so headed back towards Ronagh Pier as wanted to be by the ocean it was very windy and cold but sunny I walked along taking photos but had to be very careful and stay away from the edges as the wind might blow me in it was that bad.
As I headed back to my car the rain that had been threatening arrived and I just managed to get in without getting drenched I wanted to explore more but the rain was too heavy so I started back to Westport. I parked and then went to have something to eat as it was now well after 4 and found a Kehab place so I had that and then checked my email, I stopped at a shop in Westport to introduce myself to someone there who had contacted me with research questions from my web page. He was happy to meet me an thank him for all my help, he wanted to meet me for tea but I did not have time then.
Love this