Sunday, May 8, 2011

Off to Tullycross to see the Thatched Cottages

Took my car but let him do the driving.  We first drove back through Westport and took the route, towards Leenane.  A lovely drive and Gerry would stop for me to take my photos. We stopped in Leeanne I love that Village parts of the film "the Field" was filmed there. We looked in a shop and I I told Gerry I wanted to go to Tully Cross and being Sunday he said he would go along. I ttook photos and we moved on to Tullycross. The views were gorgeous and the rain actually stayed away and we had clear sunny with big fluffy clouds kind of a day.  My fave kind of day.  We went to a pub at TC and then had a drink after that I looked at the thatched cottages and took some snaps and walked around some.

lovely lamb roast

Then we headed for Clifton and walked around for awhile and then looked for a place for early dinner we were trying to find lamb but were told that too early in the season we finally settled for a nice dinner with beef and a glass of wine and Gerry had dessert coffee and apple pie
Then I suggested RoundStone it was getting a tad darker then and we came across some beautiful Connermara ponies and we stopped Gerry got them to come over to us and I snapped away. I am now calling him the Animal Whisperer. Started getting darker and we got to Roundstone and we were only there a few minutes when the rain hit there were really nothing  to see so have no idea why it was listed as a place to visit.
We made some more stops on the way back and saw the Connemara Giant.


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