Venice well it was good but not great that was to come.
I had wrong directions they were from the train station and should have been bus station it would have saved me walking and most of the bridges. I knew there were bridges but did not expect slanted steps. A man took my case across the main bridge of course this was not for free and I paid him 2 euro he look disgusted like he wanted more well. After that I was prepared and just yelled NO they understand that. I do not like being hassled like that.
I got lost and asked people finally some man walking home with his family looked at the map and then as his family went in to the house he said I am going to help her find her hotel and he walked me to it carried my case over bridge I was so close I can’t believe I missed hotel signs, but then again not where I expected. The guy at check in at the hotel said oh he taxi man. I think he wondered why I did not pay him he though he brought me from the bus station I explained I had asked for directions.
The room was nice larger than London the bed very comfy and I then went in search of food had nothing since brekie except a roll. I found a toasted Nintetta sandwich that was its name it was delicious I took it out and went and sat on church steps to eat and watched some nutty group on a tour. They got drunk on wine and everyone near me was annoyed as people were enjoying a nice evening out or some were reading. So some people actually got up and walked away the group was most annoying.
I was in bed by 9.30 had a bit of sherry and passed out slept till 7.30. breki served in room roll croissant cappuccino and assorted like packaged treats I saved for later.
I walked to San Marco you could follow signs in alley ways high up on the Wall did not notice at first, found it after taking millions of photos on the way. San Marco church beautiful outside I did go in and it was ok I have seen better, plus it was dark. I messed up here because I did not read my print out that I had brought along and missed the chance to go on top get views from above oh well, was not worth standing in line again for. I took photos of pigeons many people were posing and having them land I had one land on me but no one to take photo.I walked around the
I decided to try some pasta and lets just say its over rated I can make pasta just as good at home and I am not a cook as to what I had there the lack of sauce was amazing, oh well I tried it.
I decided to try some pasta and lets just say its over rated I can make pasta just as good at home and I am not a cook as to what I had there the lack of sauce was amazing, oh well I tried it.
I walked and gazed and sat and people watched then back to my room to leave my coat there and my zoom lens and potty and get more water and rested a bit wound up walking back to San Marco on the other side of the canal exploring places and churches.
I woke up to rain during the night and then sirens and church bells started going off around 7 am I think this is warning for flood fell back to sleep kept waking up 8.30 was breki same as before but that was ok I showered and rested rain heavy so why go out. I went back to sleep and finally got up to check out 10.30.
Then the rain let up some and was not heavy I went in the church near the train and it was beautiful one of the nicest yet then I walked up and down alleys stopped in stores from rain it finally stopped around 1.
I started towards San Marco to do the vapetto # 1 back I saw Sofia Taggert and you just take it across the canal and not far like a mini gondola oarsman and all you had to stand and let me tell you rough water was hard I had to keep moving afraid I fall in but glad I did it and lived to tell the tale.
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managed to snap without falling in |
More looking and then on the vapetto and off I went all I can say is I am so damn sorry I did not do it on Tuesday ( I tried to get a ticket but machine did not work) as I missed so much we stopped at this church I had seen a Saluta which I had tried to find out what it was the day before and how to get over to it and the woman at tourist place did not know of course no time to get off enjoyed my tour down the canal regardless of not great weather but hindsight only brings pain.
I had to get my suitcase I left plenty of time to eat at a place I ate the night before where I had bis pasta I was going to have a yummy looking sandwich but that was not to be. I suddenly could not find my train ticket I looked through my folders 3 times was semi hysterical went to customer service in a panic I had emailed it to myself but thought lot of good that would do me but the lady let me log on to my email and said that is why we suggest sending to email.
I grabbed a sandwich nowhere as nice and sat in train and station and ate it and then got on the train to Florence. PS I found the ticket I had it all along of course
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