I arrived okay passport only had 2 men in little booths just like the passport control taking the Eurostar from London to Paris. It was quite a walk to where the luggage was the signs they were in English Spanish and German not that I can read it but I can tell struck me how many words in the German language to say a short word or two. Though the next thing you know I am standing outside of where the luggage was and the sign said do not enter but I did any way and security standing there did not even pay attention. It wasn't till I was at the train that I realized no one asked me for my landing card and it was in my hand.
I could see the hotel as soon as I came up the steps from the train station very close. Torry looks very cute little town lots of shops near where I am waiting till noon to get my room have to admit I am exhausted walked around some to get the lay of the land spotted cod fish and chips heaven and also chocolate crepes and a lamb place all by the hotel Smiley face/happy me. views from my room these were taken from the balcony.
Glad you made it okay - have fun!