Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Nice day in Nice

I arrived in the evening I had booked a hotel close to the train station so I would not have to wander in the dark but in the end had trouble finding it anyway as I went the wrong direction same hotel brand but different location. My room was nice and cozy. In the morning after breakfast I checked out to go to a different hotel that I had booked it for the rest of my stay in Nice and no where as nice as the one I left. It did have bathtub which I put to use each evening after walking but it was high and hard to get into plus had a shower head that was very old and also no curtains so to try and use it without getting the bathroom wet, was not easy
of Notre-Dame de Nice

The first thing I did was head down to The Mediterranean Sea after all that was the main reason I came here to be by the sea again.  I looked in the Basilica of Notre Dame it was okay nothing special looked in shops along the way. It was pretty warm out, well compared to London but it was hazy but I was so happy to see the sea again.   I walked along the The Promenade des Anglais for awhile taking in the scenery. 

Place Massena
The "Fountain of the Sun" or "Fontaine du Solei

I saw a little tourist train nicely decorated with Santa climbing up the front and I bought a ticket.  I can not say it was a great trip but it showed me several areas that I would explore later. We also drove up to Castle Hill  with view of Nice that was lovely it had cleared up somewhat by then. We stopped at the crumbling ruins of an 11th century fortress it was a short stop and once the train tooted to board it left in minutes leaving people behind I assume they would catch a later train down or take the elevator that started 300 steps down.

Promenade des Anglais
another selfie
cricket enjoys the chair

Cricket enjoys the sea

santa and the tourist train

view from Castle Hill

I then headed off to Place Massena the square where the Christmas market was and  there was a stunning recreation of Nice’s former Casino Pier, on the Promenade du Paillon, I stood forever as it would change first from water shooting up into the sky from various sprouts and then a thick mist would come in and it looked like you were in the clouds. 

The recreation of the Belle Époque Casino Jetée Promenade is one of the star attractions this year.

I walked around and then tried socca which is a rosemary-scented chickpea flour crêpe it was cut into small squares it was good and then after awhile a chocolate crepê yum yum, this was my dinner.  Now that it was dark I walked back over to the the found which looked even better in the evening with the lights on. All and all it was a good day in Nice.

famous Hotel Negresco

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