Thursday, April 20, 2017

Barcelona at last

Ah Barcelona I finally made it. To be honest I was a bit leery of making the trip reading so many bad things like being robbed.  I decided to fly in the evening and booked  a hotel near the airport.  It turned out to be a good choice because you could get a ride into the Rambles area of Barcelona for 6 euro.  This gave me the opportunity to go in and check the area my hotel (hotel Cortes) for the rest of the trip, yes I was that nervous. I was able to find the hotel easily.  I stayed 2 nights and then I went in.  That turned out to be interesting because I became friendly with a wonderful family traveling from Indonesia we checked in the hotel together and kept running into each other at breakfast and it was really nice to have friends especially ones who spoke English they had been on a tour and decided just to shop their last day. It was couple with respective mothers and some brothers and sisters. Las Rambles is approximately 1.2 kilometers with Port Veil cruise terminal at the southern end and Placa Catalunya at the Northern end.  It is noted for street performers and human statues.

talk about freaking scary

One of the many Barcelona churches 

beautiful fountain 

Barcelona Cathedral

The Columbus Monument

On site where Columbus returned o Spain after first Voyage to the Americas,

In Catalonia April 23 is associated with roses and books due to legend Sant Jori slayed a dragon and saved the Princess. I was lucky enough to be in Barcelona and saw Casa Batllo when it was decorated with the roses. By Antoni Gaudi on the top floor a balcony flower shaped represents the balcony.

Casa Batllo


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