Sunday, April 28, 2024

Wildlife for Wildlife and the Wings tour bus

Today it was off to Tower bridge one of my fave places in London. but extra special  because they were having a display; Wild Life for Wildlife by Gillie and Marc I had seen some of their work last year and really looking forward to seeing more. I walked across Tower Bridge and spotted Mr Whippy and of course had to have one.
After I headed off in search of Wildlife I didn't have far to go before I spotted one it was a bicycle with animals riding. I continued along and found more. It was really and awesome display I was not disappointed. I later went to the Capital Kebab and had my fave dish, yeah London.


The next day I headed back to Kings Cross in search of The WINGS tour bus that was on display in Coal Drop Yard I was looking around and I managed to find it on display and close enough to look at and take pictures of with out having to pay admission for the car boot sale so that was perfect.  It was a rainy day and I decided to just head back to my hotel and be ready for my new adventure tomorrow in Lincoln.

                                                    well of course I had to touch it                                                

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